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The Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in professional sales is designed for students who want to pursue a business undergraduate degree with a 专门从事销售和零售. 该计划旨在为学生提供 the skills and competencies they need to develop processes and provide sales of products 并服务于现代行业内的专业销售. 课程设计 to increase and expand the knowledge needed to be an effective sales manager.


With the boom in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers - companies like Salesforce, Zendesk, and Amazon Web Services - and the increasing reliance of top companies on cloud computing and other non-native hardware and software, the demand for business-to-business (B2B)销售人员急剧增长. 然而,企业很难找到合格的员工 entry-level salespeople, most notably because there are only approximately 80 colleges 在美国有销售部门的公司. Furthermore, sales 教育往往是过时的或纯理论的. 因此,大多数的 companies we have spoken to are intensely focused on finding college graduates that 有专业的销售技能吗.

Professional sales, however, is not just a professional skill that will lead to a good job. 在很多方面,它本身就是一门文科. 销售教授同理心, compassion, listening skills, and lateral thinking - all vital hallmarks of a liberal arts education. 对学生来说,销售本身就是一项非常有价值的技能 to have. 超过40%的工作和无数的日常活动——决定去哪里 例如,晚餐——有一些内在的销售成分. 因此,在完成我们的 program in professional sales, students will attain skills that are valuable both 专业和个人.




About the Program

Our Professional Sales major seeks to provide students with relevant, project-based learning, allowing them to develop one of the most sought-after skills in both Fortune 500强企业和快速发展的科技公司. 这首歌的特点是重点突出 on relationship-driven selling, which is vital to ensuring long-term customer commitments in B2B sales. 此外,我们所有的销售课程都强调动手操作 learning, requiring students to practice selling with their peers and professors. Our goal is to provide students with valuable practical experience that will prepare 为他们毕业后最终填补的职位而努力.

我们的课程不打算作为一个独立的专业. 相反,它的目的是集成 with existing business majors, either replacing select upper division courses in a more specialized business major or replacing elective requirements in a more standard 工商管理专业.

这个专业销售专业是由Dr. 西肯塔基州的卢卡斯·福布斯 University in collaboration with multiple Fortune 500 companies and our Curriculum Development Team. Dr. 福布斯作为WKU专业中心主任的角色 Selling, one of 20 Fully Certified Sales Programs in the United States, made him an 开发本课程的理想合作伙伴.


Dr. 卢卡斯·福布斯,西肯塔基大学 - Dr. Forbes is the chair of the marketing department of 西肯塔基大学. He also serves as the director of the nationally recognized WKU Center for Professional 美国仅有的20个完全认证的销售项目之一. Forbes is also a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Selling and previously 在《十大彩票网赌平台》的审查委员会任职 & Sales Management. His research has appeared in journals including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing 科学,个人销售杂志 & 销售管理,销售杂志, 和服务营销杂志. Forbes earned a B.S. 来自美国军方 Academy at West Point and formally served in the US Army before earning a Ph.D. from 肯塔基大学.

Professional Advisors

In addition to working extensively with Forbes, we sought feedback from two major Fortune 500 companies - one insurance company and one technology company, both of which employ over 5,000 salespeople - to ensure that the proper learning outcomes were being achieved. 这些公司也比较了这个专业的销售 to their own internal training procedures to ensure that students are receiving a sales education that focuses on the most vital areas from an industry standpoint. Both companies have concluded that any student that graduates from this program will 在毕业后的求职和面试过程中占据优势.

Curriculum Committee

We've incorporated insights from industry professionals through video transcripts and mentorship conversations, providing students with practical, real-life examples 销售策略和道德决策. 任务已重新安排。 to offer a clear narrative arc, guiding students through a progressive learning journey. This structure ensures each week builds upon the last, culminating in a comprehensive 理解以关系为导向的专业销售. 详细介绍, level-based rubrics provides clearer guidelines and expectations, helping students understand precisely how to excel in each assignment and which areas need improvement.





Lukas Forbes



Robert Braathe

Braathe Enterprises


Charlie Anastasi

Rize Education


Meredith Williams




While selling is a highly interpersonal skill set, most companies also rely heavily on tools - such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software - and replicable 流程大大提高了其销售周期的效率.

To that end, the Professional Sales major includes the following certifications, which will give students a competitive advantage over others applying to entry level roles 在公司的销售组织内部.

  • MGMT 366 -关系驱动的专业销售
  • Hubspot - 销售软件认证
  • Note: While Salesforce is more widely adopted than Hubspot, skills are largely transferable between most CRM software, and Hubspot makes a better platform for students to learn CRM best practices for a variety of reasons, including quality of educational resources, 更容易使用,更清楚地识别最佳实践等等.
  • MGMT 368 -销售领导
  • Hubspot - 销售管理培训和认证
  • MGMT 369 -高级关系驱动专业销售
  • Hubspot - 入站销售证明

  • Students will be able to apply the principles of relationship-driven selling to sales activities.
  • 学生将能够选择正确的方法来管理销售团队.
  • Students will be able to provide critical feedback about the selling practices of others.



  • The online courses, developed by top management academics and sales professionals, 提供所需的专业销售知识和技能.
  • Small class sizes allow for close interaction with your professors and student colleagues.
  • You will develop the habit of lifelong learning and be ready to manage in the growing sales industry.
  • 十大彩票网赌平台’s core values of service, integrity, and excellence, critically important in the sales industry, support your development as an asset to your employer and community.

Academic Plan

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